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Showing posts from March 18, 2022

Welcome to Sugie Bee

Bienvenue! I'm Sugie Bee. I was born in New Orleans with a family tree that dates back to the original settlers of the Louisiana Territory. My cultural heritage is primarily Louisiana Cajun French and Sicilian Italian. I was raised in a family of would-be wise guys and zany women with backbones made of iron. Please enjoy the stories, the tall tales, poetry, and recipes from the generations of my family.

Singing River

  A sunrise is a quiet delight. Calm waters with reflections of first light. Clouds shimmer, misty, pastel, and soft. Pelicans greet the morning with flutter and flit. The squirrels play tag and a robin sings. The earth glows as the day begins.  --- Sugie Bee   The Indigenous American Cherokee Tribe that lived in the northwestern corner of Alabama called the river that flowed through their lands  Unashay, the Singing River. They believed a muse lived in the river and sang songs to them.  I call it home.